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Yes Moms Book Reviews

Heyyyy Yes Moms!!!

Bamboozled by Jesus

Happy Monday! Did you know it's #NationalBookday too? I just finished Bamboozled by Jesus by Yvonne Orji. I was a REALLY good book and a must read. I don't know about y’all but, I'm finding it challenging to keep up with my love of reading. However, when I need to take a break I make the time. If you can relate, I got your back today! Here's my personal review of the book coupled with some quick video clips of an interview she did on Jimmy Kimmel. Feel free to read & watch whenever you have a free moment...even if that's on the toilet!😂

No judgment, take your opportunities where you can. Let me know what you think. And what book you just finished. Maybe, I’ll do a review on it next month!😉

Thank you!

How did you choice this book?

I was browsing through YouTube to look for something completely unrelated and I stumbled across this interview of Yvonne Orji on Jimmy Kimmel's Late Night Show. I started watching just out of curiosity.

  • One, I love me some Insecure, to which Yvonne Orji plays the supportive leading character Molly on the show.

  • Two, the catchy book title…Bamboozled by Jesus. I was like, "ummm tell me more."

What were some of your first initial reactions towards Yvonne and the book that you found interesting?

Is it just me, or am I the only one that claims random strangers as friends without even knowing them?😅 Take Yvonne for example. This was my first time meeting her on the Jimmy Kimmel show and sis came dressed and ready for the occasion. I already knew we were going to hit it off because of two reasons.

  • One, she was rocking my favorite color.

  • Two, she was accentuating one of my favorite body parts to show off…the LEGS! Yes Ma’am! So, you know I was a complete fan of the outfit selection. Needless to say we hit it off!

With that said, two of my favorite qualities in a person -more specifically- in a women is confidence and personality. I absolutely love when a woman is confident in herself and has the ability to show off her personality without feeling pun intended.😊 I especially love when she is God fearing too! In this short clip Yvonne sets the tone and delivers the message with ALL assurances on deck.

What section do you fit in?

I love how Yvonne answers the question of where does her book fit into book stores’ reading categories. Her answer made me more intrigued because she was essential saying...look Jimmy don't box me or God in. We just do our own thing. After reading the book I totally agree that this book is a win-win for everyone! Although she identifies as a Christian and shares her personal experience with God through the book. The themes for which she covers in the book are universal and relatable.

Literally, this book is for everyone as long you keep an open mind and heart!

What makes this book different?

For me, what makes this book different is, the overwhelmingly refreshing feeling I felt each time I listen to it. I would listen to it while on my morning walks, during my Mermaid Self-care Moments (personally coined... bath time), even while I was driving in Atlanta traffic! I really felt like I was learning about my friend’s life while she was putting me up on game...aka life lessons, naked truths, and moments of vulnerability. I mean my home girl is really out her in these streets.

She is claiming her career, success, and her husband all in Jesus' name!

It don't get much better than that.

What did you enjoy most about the book?

I absolutely love how Yvonne comfortably shows off her personality through her personal journey of pressing her dreams. That she is leaning into fear to address her setbacks so that it can make room for her glow-up! Oh, I would surely be remiss if I didn't mention my love and appreciation for the countless Hip Hop & R&B references! I was totally in love with her funny and creative way of infusing secular music and the "good book" aka the Bible together.

She kill it! I'm so glad she was faithful and obedient towards telling her story, her way! Amen! 🙌🏾🙏🏾

We out, YES MOMS!

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