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A Jingling Good Time

Hey Fam!

It’s that time of year again! Can you hear Buddy screaming...Santa! Santa is coming! For all my non movie buffs, click and watch.

Are you following me now? lol. I'm all about the movie references, so buckle up butter cake cause there's more where that came from!

Soooooooo…I got just one question to ask. Who’s ready for a good o’l Phelps Family Christmas Celebration?!!! I know, I am!

Today, we’re officially shaking off the lbs from Thanksgiving and kicking it into full FRICKIN gear people! That's right. It's time to turn up for Jesus! Celebrating our Savior's birthday! Amen. In the spirit of Christmas, I decided to do something different this year and that is to get a real tree! No plastic this year. We're UPGRADING!

I can remember, as a child, my mom being a real stickler for having a real tree. (Silent mode for Nana y'all). Like I was saying, my mother planted this seed in me and now as an adult I’m watering that very same seed this year. Thanks Nana and a special mention for Grandpa. Although my father didn’t believe in Christmas because of his Islamic faith. That didn't stop him from being a team player and hauling that tree into the house each year. What was his reasoning why? You wonder? My mother's smile. He was always infatuated with it.

Now Dasher, Now Dancer, Now Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen and of course the friendly reindeer Rudolph take us back to the present! Awwwwway!

AND we're back! I know, I know, my jokes be hitting! Right! Well, I’m here all week people. Speaking of time…this is an image of our Christmas Itinerary.

To save on space I only included the important stuff. I found some really great family activities through Groupon.

Is anyone familiar with Terrarium Making? Well, you'll find out more on December 24th, just know its a BYOB event. Come packing. Get it...come purchase alcohol from the package store. Wink. wink. I know, a real knee slapper. lol.

Sorry kiddos, no sippy sippy for y'all. Here's a link to Sipping Plant sale through Groupon. Purchase your admission when ready. Now, if your like me, and you love to "Do Your Own Thang." Take a page from my book and get comfortable declaring Early Release days whenever you feel like it. No judgment people! This is a gift indeed! By order from of the DOPEST Mommy in the land...I declare!

Thursday December 22nd is an Early Release day. That's right little ones, mama will be coming to get you early from school to jumpstart your holiday break! What better way to spread some holiday cheer with a Family Fun Day at the Complex- Sport and Entertainment. Since, I'm all about saving them coins. Here's another link to a Groupon deal for the Complex. Admission is free.

Although Groupon is a known lifesaver to everyone's pockets. It does have its limitations. Our final activity is taking place at Six Flags Whitewater. You're probably scratching your head and mentally saying wait what. However, you read it right. We're going to Whitewater but it ain't to swim! Its to see CHRISTMAS LIGHTS! World of Illumination hosted by Six Flags Whitewater is a vehicle tour. Its safe to say we can't fit everyone in our car. Even though we would like too. So, everyone is going to have to purchase their own individual vehicle admission. Make sure you reserve a 6pm timeslot and gas up for this adventure cause we're going to Life University right after. Who says we can't do both! Oh yeah baby, this year I'm packing our itinerary with all the good stuff in the spirit of good cheer. Jesus, is going to be so proud of our family spirit!

Attention! Attention! A special announcement from Santa.

He wanted me to tell everyone that he wants our gift giving to be in secret. He must of got that message from Jesus. Cause the birthday boy told us all to give in silence. "Do not let your left hand know what the right hand is doing." (Matt 6:3)

Gift giving should be from the heart minus the peer pressure. So, with a sincere heart please join our Secret Santa list curated by Elfster.

Now, that everyone knows what's on the agenda. I wanted to close on a personal note. Recently, I have been reflecting on who I am, what am I here for, and how do I want to be perceived by others. To be honest, our family has gone through an insurmountable amount of loss, health shocks, and challenging obstacles. Leaving anyone to pose the question why. However, when I think about it all. I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder for God's grace and mercy. Knowing that I am connected to and loved by the One is truly why I smile. See fam, we're not lucky we're loved and I AM forever confident that Jesus is the reason for this season. In His honor, I want to share with you all our 25 days of I AM calendar. Kicking off this Christmas countdown, lets remember how much God loves us and how He see us through His image.

I can't wait to see and celebrate with each and everyone of you. Please enjoy the calendar. Special shoutout to Jayda for the graphics and for inspiration. I encourage you to be creative and use these scriptures as daily affirmations. Or as personal mantas to recite out loud in times of need. They're even great to use during prayer time. I also use them as journal prompts. Whatever, you decide to use it for. I pray it will be a blessing. Amen!

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